Breaking Through Social Barriers to Employment
The truism “It’s all about who you know” is not helpful if you don’t know those people yet, let alone how to meet them.
Your Network is Your Net Worth
What does one do when faced with barriers to networking? How does one achieve some version of success ?
The Effects of Limited Access to Opportunity
We need to find more ways to introduce people to career paths in order to break down barriers that prevents people from access.
Machine Learning May Remove Bias from the Hiring Process
If undetected and unchecked, algorithms can learn, automate, and scale existing human and systemic biases.
Ethics is Messy
Of course most of our latest technologies — particularly those that leverage AI — miss the mark in [...]
What Is AI and How Can You Tell If You Have Some
These technologies have an almost infinite capacity to learn, but they will never understand anything.
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